Here are my dear friends, in front of you is probably the first naginata in two pieces, which can be purchased for training.
I spent a long time to realize these idea, mostly by trying to find a manufacturer of metal tube that would be ideal for this type of joint.
So here I must thank to sensei Erwin Steinhauser, Shibucho of KomeiJyuku Austria Honbu Dojo, which was first revised my Naginata, and made from her Naginata from two pieces. In this way, I was directed to create an elliptical diameter metal pipe, instead of seeking the manufacturer of such tubes
Only in this way is possible to make a connection, which is as sturdy as the Naginata from one piece.
I think that what you see in the picture's, the best solution for those who want Naginata in the bag for Bokken
in the picture below, you can find the special screwdriver that I made for this nginata
For securing naginata, it is necessary to twist the screw out, for one or two rounds, while the bolt head is aligned with the surface naginata shaft
little trick is that the screws that serve to fortify the compound stays in piece which is connected externally, so it will not happen to lose the screw
so for those who might be interested, here is few styles of Naginata blades who could be made by this method, length is your choice, this is specially good for longer Naginata's (253 cm, 263 cm)